Mae govannen, and welcome to undomiel*NU, where elven tradition meets human technology...straight out of 2002. This domain was first registered in said year, and given to me as a gift by somebody that I used to know; we are no longer in contact and I doubt they wish to be in contact with me, truth be told.

In February 2021, on a complete whim, I registered the name myself. As far as I know, I'm the only person who's ever owned uNU. It's no longer my main collective (go to Wings for that), but I host my weblog here. Why? I have no idea. I've tried moving it to other places but it always ends up back here. Go figure. Brains and memories are strange.

What was here back in the day? Here's what little I remember, and what it evolved into:

Bittersweet Hereafter [/log]
··· my weblog, obviously → still here!

Bent [/frodo]
··· a shrine to Frodo from The Lord of the RingsFairer Than Most

Angel Descended [/arwen]
··· a shrine to Arwen from LotR → Evenstar

Vilya [/vilya]
··· my LotR collective → evolved into Middle-earth.Org, my general Tolkien collective

Rasberry Swirl [/rasberry]
··· purposefully mispelt spiritual SOC → never revived, and no real plans to do so in the future

Winter [/winter]
··· I...think? it was a personal site? → unrevived; these days I'm unsure anyone would wish to know overmuch about me...I am quite dull, in all honesty

The Freaky Writers Webring [/freaky]
··· a webring for writers who were considered "freaky". IDK, my younger self was odd. → never revived; no interest in doing so

Pagemasters [/pagemasters]
··· a webclique for people who used FrontPage in any way to construct their websites, made after I was bullied about it. → never revived, though I still believe that there is nothing wrong with using a WYSIWYG editor to learn how make pages. Don't be elitist; it's a very ugly trait.

Broken China [/china]
··· a support page for people struggling with SI. I was bullied out of running it by the reasons I was hurting myself, believe it or not. → never revived, for obvious reasons

My Name Escapes Me & Ascending Pecularity [/blynk] & [/blynk/blog]
··· the hosted site of my best online friend at the time, Blynk. → I have no idea where she is or what she's doing these days, but by the stars, she deserved every happiness in the world and I hope she has such. I'm going to leave it here or I'll start crying.

Undomiel*NU basically exists as a place to host my weblog, and I don't think it will ever really be anything else again. But, well, who knows? It is what it is, and, to quote the Manic Street Preachers...everything is, everything was, everything is all, everything will be.

Sail into the abyss with me, afterending.
~ Arwen, 24/04/24